The State of Accessible Voting in the States

  • Posted on: 13 August 2020
  • By: ACBRadio

On this episode of the Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark speak with multiple guests about the advocacy work and government initiatives to ensure in-person and remote absentee voting options are accessible. We are joined by Commissioner Donald Palmer, Vice Chair of the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), as well as Carrie Chapman, President of the Iowa Council of the United Blind, and Barbara Salisbury, President of the ACB of Indiana. Commissioner Palmer shared the resources available for election officials and voters from the EAC, and Carrie and Barbara share the ongoing advocacy work in Iowa and Indiana.
To learn more about accessible voting, visit the ACB accessible voting toolkit at:
To learn more about the upcoming EAC roundtable on election accessibility on Aug. 19, visit:

Key Words: 
ACB, Accessible Voting, Advocacy, Blindness, Community, Podcast, Polls, Rights, Voting
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